glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma Treatment Near Harrison City, PA

Center for Sight – Miroya Monsour, MD Offers Glaucoma Treatments

When you need glaucoma treatment near Harrison City, PA, contact Center for Sight – Miroya Monsour, MD. From diagnosis on, it is critical to treat your condition immediately and maintain your course of treatment. Do this for as long as our ophthalmologist recommends.

Protect Your Sight from Vision Loss Due to Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the main causes of blindness. Essentially, glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve. Increased ocular pressure is one of the main symptoms of glaucoma. If left untreated, peripheral vision will decrease, resulting in eventual blindness. Vision loss from glaucoma cannot be restored. The main goal of glaucoma treatment is to halt the progression of the disease to prevent damage to your vision.

The Center for Sight offers a variety of safe, effective glaucoma treatment options that will enable you to protect your sight. Dr. Miroya Monsour treats glaucoma patients residing in southwestern Pennsylvania.

Same-Day EMERGENCY Appointments Are Available >

Same-Day EMERGENCY Appointments Are Available >

Glaucoma Treatment Options: Eye Drops, Medication and Surgery

The severity of your glaucoma will dictate the best types of treatment for your condition. Some of the most common treatment options include:

  • Medications to Control Eye Pressure by Decreasing Fluid Production
  • Eye Drops to Control Eye Pressure
  • Laser Surgery

With proper professional care and treatment, we can treat glaucoma successfully and spare its impact on your sight.

The trabecular meshwork located at the base of the cornea allows the aqueous humor to drain from the eye. The goal of surgery for glaucoma is to open up this meshwork to create alternate exit points in the eye. This encourages excessive fluids to drain from the eye to relieve intraocular pressure.

Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty for Open-Angle Glaucoma

Center for Sight – Miroya Monsour, MD offers Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (ALT) for open-angle glaucoma. Dr. Monsour can complete this commonly performed procedure in our office in approximately 15 minutes. It is essentially painless with a high degree of success for many patients.

Dr. Monsour focuses a laser beam on the drain of the eye. This enables fluids to exit more easily from the eye, thus relieving the intraocular pressure. It may take a few weeks to determine the success of the procedure. During this time, you must continue to take your medications and have us monitor your intraocular pressure.

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty for Open-Angle Glaucoma

Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) is a low-level laser procedure used in treating open-angle glaucoma. The SLT procedure is similar to the ALT procedure, except the laser energy output is much lower than that of ALT. In addition, larger portions of the trabecular meshwork are left intact. The reduction of intraocular pressure with SLT is comparable to that of ALT.

Laser Peripheral Iridotomy for Angle-Closure Glaucoma

Dr. Monsour also offers Laser Peripheral Iridotomy for Angle-Closure Glaucoma. This procedure opens a tiny portal through the iris to enable aqueous fluid to exit from behind the iris. It then goes directly into the anterior chamber of the eye, thus bypassing the trabecular meshwork entirely.

Please contact the Center for Sight – Miroya Monsour, MD in Jeanette, PA at (724) 744-4009 to schedule a consultation. Our office serves Harrison City and surrounding areas of Westmoreland County. Dr. Monsour will discuss your glaucoma-related concerns and offer available treatment options to help to maintain your vision for life.

Trust the experts at Center for Sight – Miroya Monsour, MD for glaucoma treatment near Harrison City, PA.